Structure in high strength steel e
non-slip plywood walking surface
Fire reaction class Cfl-s1
Modular dimensions in cm: 100×50 – 200×50 – 250×50
100×100 – 200×100 – 100×33
Height from 10 cm to 3.20 m standard with intervals of 5 cm
Special heights adjustable with screw base.
Height greater than 120 cm stabilized with diagonal support
Arrangement at the corners for hooking removable steel feet
Suitable for indoor and outdoor installations
Variants: transparent or opaque Plexiglas type PMMA platform
Structure in high strength steel e
trampling surface in non-slip plywood
Fire reaction class Cfl-s1
Modular dimensions in cm: 100×50 – 200×50 – 250×50
100×100 – 200×100 – 100×33
Height from 10 cm to 3.20 m standard with 5 cm intervals
Special heights adjustable with screw base.
Height greater than 120cm stabilized with diagonal support
Arrangement at the corners for hooking removable steel feet
Suitable for indoor and outdoor installations
Variants: transparent or opaque Plexiglas type PMMA platform
Aluminum footrests and painted steel feet.
Non-slip plywood walking surface
Fire reaction class Cfl-s1
Modular dimensions 200x100cm
Adjustable height 14-20-40-60-80-100 cm
Unique structure suitable for indoor and outdoor installations
Independent support opening on two sides with possibility
tilt and click height adjustment
Struttura in acciaio ad alta resistenza o in alluminio a seconda della tipologia e
piano di calpestio in metacrilato trasparente classe 1 PMMA – plexiglas trasparente o opaco antiscivolo
Classe di reazione al fuoco Cfl- s1
Dimensioni modulari in cm: 100×50 – 200×50 – 250×50
100×100 – 200×100 – 100×33
Altezza da cm 10 a mt 3,20 standard con intervalli di cm 5
Altezze speciali regolabili con basetta a vite.
Altezza superiore a cm 120 stabilizzate con diagonale di supporto
Predisposizione agli angoli per l’aggancio di piedi in acciaio smontabili
Adatte per installazioni interne e esterne
Pedane e piste da ballo di alta qualità in legno di betulla con certificazione di resistenza al fuoco classe 1 e rivestimento con film plastico lucido. Struttura in acciaio zincato a caldo, molto resistente
e adatto a luoghi aperti.
Sistema di livellamento millimetrico grazie all’ausilio di vitoni di grosso spessore, piedi con piastra di alta portata, aggancio rapido delle tavole. Portata kg 600 mq
If it’s not necessary to install the stage on a multidirectional structure, it is possible to build it with modular platforms mounted on a tubular structure or riser. The choice of using the platforms is optimal in the case of interiors and exteriors on regular and level ground and if the need is to have a height of the walking surface of up to one metre. The standard modules have a size of 2×1 m, but we also have tables m: 1×1, 0.50×1 and 0.50×2. It is also possible to produce customized tables.
The walking surface of the platform can be either in Carply wood or in transparent or opaque Plexiglas type PMMA. The footrests are quick to assemble thanks to the butterfly connection system of the tubulars at the four corners. Finally, they are fixed to each other with the help of clamps.
As an addition, in compliance with current legislation, we have protective railings for heights greater than 0.65 m to be connected directly to the structure.
We also designed a quick connection system for modules/platforms to be used as a stage access ladder rather than to create environments on different levels. The latter solution, with a more modern design, becomes very scenic if backlit.
We also offer a covering service based on specific customer needs, from classic carpeting to complete covering with panels and laminates in various materials.